Friday, December 21, 2007

Festival Of Lights Appreciation

Last weekend over 800 people attended our Christmas Musical "Festival Of Lights".

Here Jennifer Mc Quade is being appreciated for her loving leadership in directing the choir as well as overseeing many of the behind the scene details of this years production. As we all know it takes a great supporting cast of dedicated people to see it all come together. Whether it was people who weeks ago came out on Saturday mornings to make banners o
r many hours behind the scenes practicing individual parts, everyone's contribution was needed and appreciated.

Take a moment to write an appreciation comment or comment on what the musical meant to you either as a participant or as one who experienced it....... Click on the comments tab below..

Thank you to everyone who brought in socks etc for The Bridge. Over $1600.00 was given in the offering on Sunday night. Director John Enns, sent us a note this week sharing his sincere appreciation for our support.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Caution Advised

Starting this Friday and what will probably be a Christmas Block Buster movie this season, "The Golden Compass" is a movie with a hidden agenda. The movie based on Philip Pullman's 1995 book The Golden Compass is the entry point to his Trilogy of children's fantasy novels, "His Dark Materials". Inspired from John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, this time around, however, "God" gets overthrown and the "Fall of Man" becomes the source of humankind's redemption, not failure.

I asked Miles White, to share some perspective on how you and your family can appropriately respond to this movie. (Miles and his wife Laurie own Jacob's Well Book Store - Courtenay)

Hi Dave:
Just some rambling thoughts on Philip Pullman and the "Golden Compass":

Philip Pullman in his book, "The Golden Compass", the first work in "His Dark Materials" trilogy, has actually written a fairly entertaining yet provocative story. Being released in theaters as a feature film with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood would command the attention of families this Christmas. Knowing that this movie was in the works over a year ago, I decided that I would start reading his trilogy because I had heard that he was a good writer, (better than R. K. Rowling) an atheist and definitely not a fan of C. S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia.

The Golden Compass lays the foundation for his other two books (The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) where he essentially erects a fictional platform that is appealing to children that attacks the idea of God and is certainly negative against the Church, which he calls the Magisterium. On one hand he says he is only attacking the abuses of the church, but he goes much further than that really.

It is a fantasy set in an alternate universe where everyone has a daemon which is your soul (I suppose) projected on the outside of your body in the form of an animal (it finally settles on one animal when you become an adult). It tells the story of a girl who is key to rescuing children that have gone missing and are being used in laboratory to collect this special "dust" which is collected when they are separated from their daemon. She is joined by others where they will eventually kill (the dust is key in all of this) God and the Christian faith. When you think about 2006-2007, there has been a resurgence of militant atheism with the likes of Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion; Hitchens and his book "God is Not Great" and now Pullman's trilogy (although written earlier) which has appeal to both adults and children.

Should we be afraid of what he has written?
No, we shouldn't. We should be discerning however. Atheism is not new and it's ideas are not new. The ideas are already out is just finding more popular expression and acceptance today. Pullman doesn't even really do a good job in his books, particularly in the second and third where it ends up being a fictional rant against God.

How we respond to this militant atheism is key.
I believe it is important first of all to pray for wisdom in how to respond. Second, "take every thought captive and make it subject to Christ." By this I mean, be familiar with what is written or shown and engage the ideas. Don't fuel Pullman's justification of a negative portrayal of the church by responding negatively as the Church. We can disagree and tell why, but watch our character and conduct. Peter says we are to "always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within us but do this with gentleness and respect." In other words, as I have said frequently, the truth is inherently offensive, so why add to it. If we add to the offense of truth by our conduct, then people never hear the truth...just the offense we have added.

I am planning on seeing the movie...and seeing how closely it matches to the book. I have an atheist friend I intend to see it with. I hope to discuss it with my older children if they so choose to see it. I would not, however, justify taking younger children to see it until it was previewed.


Other Links: Focus On The Family - Plugged In

CPC December Checklist

___Please be conscious of the needy in our church and community. Ask God what he would have you to do for others.

___Remember our CPC Food Bank. Bring non-perishable items to church on Sundays and place in the grocery cart in our foyer. It all helps and is appreciated.

___Pray for a new community Christian ministry called "The Bridge" as they seek to provide love and support to the homeless here in the Valley. We have a few from CPC who are volunteering.

___Pray for our Director Jennifer McQuade and her team as they continue to prepare for our upcoming Christmas Production: "Festival of Lights" December 15th & 16th (Three Performances)

___Please help promote and invite people to "Festival of Lights". Word of mouth is the best advertisement.

___Pray that Christ will be lifted up in all our CPC Christmas special events and activities including our two Christmas Eve services.

___Help support our CPC Youth School of Leaders 2008 Missions Trip to Mexico. Pick up one of their home made Christmas stockings. Minimum Donation: $15.00

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Congratulations Are In Order

On behalf of all our CPC family we would like to congratulate the five people who made a public confession of their faith in Jesus last Sunday. Five people including three teens and two adults were baptized in water. There was great joy in our service as well as in Heaven. Please pray for God's blessing to remain on these special people as they continue in their walk with Jesus.

This was a great celebration that helped cap off our recent series: "Rediscovering Church" Our prayer is to see many more people come to know the Lord just as these have.

We would also like to say a big thank you to our CPC ladies for hosting the Christmas ladies outreach, "Don't Get Tangled In The Tinsel" that took place here last week. 160 ladies attended, many who came from the community. Pray that good fruit will come from the seed that has been planted in the hearts of these ladies.

Feel free to post a comment below.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Change Starts With Me

Most of us recognize things in our world we would like to see changed.

I was challenged by the words of wisdom found on the tombstone of a deceased Bishop from Westminster Abby.

"When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered that the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country, but it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realized: If only I had changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world."

Often the best prayer we can pray is "Lord change me."

Pastor Dave

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What Stinks In The Church?

This week we cooked up some fish for dinner. As usual a "fishy" smell was left lingering in the house. Imagine that. It was later I realized the smell seemed to be getting worse and wondered why? I asked, what stinks? Turned out it was the packaging the fish had come in. It had been put in the garbage container under the sink and was emitting a now unpleasant odor.

I couldn't help but think of how sometimes we are like that as people.

In our current series: "Rediscovering Church" we have been talking about what it means for the church to be the "Body of Christ" here in the Comox Valley. The Bible says that we are to be the "aroma of Christ" and that through us the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ would be spread everywhere. (2 Corinthians 2:14-17)

Unfortunately, sometimes in our humanness, there is a fishy smell that still wafts from Christ's church. Not everyone likes what they smell. Interesting that Jesus called his disciples to be "fishers of men"

As men and women, caught in the net of God's love and grace and now members of Christ's body we need to allow God to continue to change us and transform us.

Sometimes instead of getting rid of the "fishy things" in our lives we put them under the counter and before long we are anything but the aroma of Christ.

I have been challenged by the words of the Apostle Paul in his instruction to the Ephesian church. As we read these words, let's think about the fragrance of our lives. Ask ourselves; what is under the counter in my life that I need to get rid of.

Take an extra minute to read the following Bible scripture. Let it speak to us.

Ephesians 4:25-32 "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need. 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Does anyone have any fish stories they want to share with our church family?
1. What 'fishy' things has God been helping you get rid of from your life?

2. In what ways can we / the church better be the "aroma of Christ" here in the Comox Valley.

Join in the discussion. If you have never posted a comment before it's easy. You can create an account or simply post using the anonymous option. We would love to hear from you. Click comments below.

At times fishy, but still loved. (Goes for all of us.)
Pastor Dave

Friday, September 7, 2007

Laughter Survey

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart does good like medicine." More and more research points to the fact that laughter and being able to lighten up is good for your health.

Laughter is good for the soul. Best of all laughter is free with no known side affects.

The question I would like you to ask of yourself is this: "Do I have enough laughter in my life?"

Take this simple survey and find out.

How did you do?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Loosing Weight

Life is good when we travel light. In a recent message I told my story of hiking the West Coast Trail and how our guide told us to pack light. He said the seven day hike would be much more enjoyable if you don't carry more than is necessary. The same applies to life. There are many I know who are carrying heavy weights, excess burdens that God never intended for them to carry. As a pastor and as a church we see this all the time.

We see people who are exhausted by the many weights of life that have been piled on. The weight of past experiences, past hurts, injustice and much more. Some of you who are reading this are carrying weight that goes back to when you were a child. It might be a wrong, a violation, a negative word that still haunts you today. Life can never be good when we carry these weights.

What weight are you carrying that God does not want you to carry? What is weighing your journey down?

The good news is that Jesus invites us to come to Him.
Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
  • Come with your burdens...
  • Come with your hurts...
  • Come with your offenses...
  • Come with your sin...
  • Come with whatever is weighing you down.
Allow Jesus to lighten your load.
1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.”

It gets even better.....
Isaiah 53:4-6 “It was our weaknesses he (Jesus) carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed! 6 All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the guilt and sins of us all.”

Allow Jesus to help you today.
Psalm 68:19-20 “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances.”

Max Lucado says, "Traveling light means trusting God with burdens you were never intended to bear."

What do ya got to loose?

Do you have a "weight loss" story that God has helped you with that might encourage others who read this. How has Jesus helped you travel light?

Be Encouraged
Pastor Dave


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kid Friendly Ideas For Summer

When our family was growing up, keeping four boys occupied and out of trouble in the summer was at times a challenging proposition. Barb and I were always interested in what others did to make summer fun.

One thing we discovered was that some of the best times we had did not have to cost alot of money. (Often there was no cost at all other than the time being together.)

Let's put our ideas together.
  • What are some of the favourite things you enjoy doing with your kids during the summer?
  • What is your favourite summer place in the Comox Valley?
  • If you could pass on a "kid friendly" summer idea to one of our CPC or Valley newcomers what would it be?
  • What would you suggest for a "rainy" day with the kids?
It only takes a minute to respond, so do it now. Let's have some fun exchanging ideas. Post on comments below.

Praying For Sunny Days
Pastor Dave

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Tribute To Pearl - We Appreciate You

Last Sunday as people were leaving our morning service I connected briefly with one of our elderly saints, Pearl Cochrane. As many of you know, Pearl has had a very difficult winter and spring recovering from knee surgery and having to cope with much pain.

Following a time of prayer for this years Community Block Party I was reminded of Pearl and the many years she has enthusiastically served hot dogs to the 100's of people who come each year. My assumption was that because of her physical difficulties she would not be able to help this year. When I mentioned it she quickly and emphatically corrected me and said: "Oh no Pastor Dave, I am signed up to help again this year. I will be there." I thought; "Wow what a great attitude."

I hope when I am 85+ that I will be just as excited about life and making a difference where I can. My prayer is that I will still be loving and serving God to the best of my ability.

Pearl we want you to know how much we appreciate you. Thank you for your smile and being such a wonderful example to our church family. We really do love you.

Pastor Dave

PS. Pearl is a great pie maker as well. Ask me, I know.

If you would like to post a comment go ahead. We will pass them on.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Still Standing!!!

Jesus said to his disciples whose hearts were agitated by worry and fear; "Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1 Jesus was inviting his followers to trust Him, to put their faith in God.

You see; what we believe about God is very important.
  • Do I really believe that God loves me unconditionally?
  • Do I really believe that God is my ultimate provider?
  • Do I really believe that God has a plan and purpose for my life?
  • Do I really believe that "all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose?" Romans 8:28
One thing I have discovered, especially in troubling times is to anchor my life daily in the promises of God's word. That's why it is so important that we take time regularily to read and meditate on the truths of the Bible.

You may be doing OK today, but one day, guaranteed you will need the foundation of God's Word to stand upon. There are approximately 3000 promises in the Bible, enough for every circumstance you will ever face.

Do you know what those promises are? Do you know what you believe?
  • Take a minute right now and POST A PROMISE from God's Word that has been especially meaningful to you in your life. By responding you may be encouraging someone else in our CPC family with the hope of God's Word. May God bless you all?

  • What is your favourite Bible promise? See Comments Below.
Standing On The Promises,
Pastor Dave

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Last weekend many of us were once again moved by the images and messages throughout the Good Friday, Easter weekend. Over 1000 people gathered at Mark Isfeld High School for the Good Friday community service and then again CPC was overflowing with great celebration on Resurrection morning. (Easter Sunday)

In what ways were you moved in your heart by the Community Good Friday service? What stirred you? What made you think? What is it about "Christ Is Risen" that inspires you in your day to day living?

Please feel free to respond to any of these questions or other related thoughts.

Maranatha (Jesus Is Coming)
Pastor Dave

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Tell Us Your Small Group Story

Here at Comox Pentecostal Church we value the ministry of all our small groups. Would you be willing to share what it has meant to you to be involved in a small group. How has your life been blessed? What encouragement could you give to someone considering joining a small group?

You can post your comment. It's easy. Just click on the 'Comments' tab below and use 'anonymous' if you want.

Take a couple of moments right now and post a comment.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Heart Factor

In what ways has God revealed His heart to you? How have you felt his love in your life?

Read what others have said. Click on 'Comments' below to share your thoughts. You can use 'Anonymous' to post a comment.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Forgiveness Struggles?

  • What is difficult about forgiving people who hurt you?
  • What is the secret to becoming a more forgiving person? (It's ok to tell?)
Feel free to post a comment.