Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Worship Declaration & Prayer   By Bonnie Kirk
Note:  Bonnie is one of our CPC young adults, wrote and
shared this in a recent Sunday morning service.

Jesus, we're learning a lifestyle of worship
Thank you for this relationship
Where you show us what you are like
And we get to fall in love with you
Over and over
I pray that our personal times with you
Will deepen our fellowship here
That our gatherings will bring down Heaven
Whether we feel you or not
We believe that you are why we live
We pray to be made whole
So that we can experience you more
Help us to tune into you
You are the best communicator
Help us listen
Without being afraid
Of what you might ask
Help us loosen our grip on our lives
And trust that you won't leave us lacking

You know how you put us together
All the fire, all the power in us
We worship you with our thoughts
And with the energy of our lives

We worship you with our choices Lord
Obedience means moving forward

The Word of your Spirit
Is more powerful than anything else
Help us to know this well
And live like we know it

Your will is love
Your way is perfect
You are entirely good
There is no exciting, wild and creative tendency in us
That is apart from our God
We want to know our incredible Jesus

We want to bless you
You created motion and momentum.
You understand why your church is restless at times
Thank you for the dreams you dream with us
You are the beautiful genius, Holy Spirit

You have a strategy
Your Spirit is whispering it to us
This Valley is yours
Made to contain the worship of Heaven
Fill us with hope
Help us move past our own lives
So that we can join together in the vision

You created motion and momentum.
You understand why your church is restless at times
Thank you for the dreams you dream with us
You are the beautiful genius, Holy Spirit

You have a strategy
Your Spirit is whispering it to us
This Valley is yours
Made to contain the worship of Heaven
Fill us with hope
Help us move past our own lives
So that we can join together in the vision

You long for your glory
To be expressed through us
You are steadfast
You have all authority over our region

Thank you for your faithfulness to us
And your patience as we grow
If we are looking at you
We are not going to fall

When we suffer
You invite us close
You make our hearts bigger
So that we can hold more of your presence
You teach us that leaning on you
Is abundant life

Thank you for being our comforter
Jesus, prince of peace
You quiet us with your love

Free us from old thinking
That steals the fun
From running after you
Renew our minds

We want to be in touch with what you are doing
Right now
You are what we look forward to most
You are our life
And we want to discover you all of our days