Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Heart Factor

In what ways has God revealed His heart to you? How have you felt his love in your life?

Read what others have said. Click on 'Comments' below to share your thoughts. You can use 'Anonymous' to post a comment.



  1. God has revealed his heart, by surrounding myself and my family with a family of caring people, professionals, institutions, etc.
    We have made big changes in our household by getting to know his heart and all that he holds for us.
    I am looking forward to discovering what else he has in store for us.

  2. God has revealed his hear for people to me. I'm always feeling alone and the keeps me connected with people, because if I was not connected with people I would just be doing school work and writing. Those are great things, but God and people are more important. I'll see y'all round.
