Thursday, March 1, 2007

Tell Us Your Small Group Story

Here at Comox Pentecostal Church we value the ministry of all our small groups. Would you be willing to share what it has meant to you to be involved in a small group. How has your life been blessed? What encouragement could you give to someone considering joining a small group?

You can post your comment. It's easy. Just click on the 'Comments' tab below and use 'anonymous' if you want.

Take a couple of moments right now and post a comment.


  1. I love my small group - a place where we sometimes get far too loud in trying to understand God and live life more like Jesus. Experiencing small groups is kind of like a kiss: to someone who has never experienced, seen, or heard of a kiss it is something weird, strange, and kind of gross. But once you have experienced - you know that it is good. Come to think of it, I think God is like that too.

    -a former CPCer.

  2. What a great comment. The analogy of a kiss is interesting. Sounds like small groups can get personal. Let's have some more thoughts. What has being part of a small group meant to you?


  3. As a new member to CPC, it has been an easier way to make some closer connections to other members. It is a good place to share feelings, weekly happenings and pray for each other and others in the church.

  4. Small Groups are a great place to connect with others...I mean really connect. I feel so often people are just on auto-pilot and they do not take the time to just stop, evaluate life, build relationships and share with others. Small groups are a great place to feel comfortable to do just that...connect.

  5. We were made for RELATIONSHIP!!!! Being a part of God's family is a wonderful way to work on relationship with His children. What a wonderful way to encourage and lift each other up in prayer and learn from each other. We study God's word and He teaches us how to love more deeply, trust Him on a day to day basis and He is always faithful!!!! God has placed some awesome people in my life through small groups. He has done that so that I would be blessed, and more importantly, be a blessing to others. God is GOOD, ALL THE TIME...

  6. Why are we all anonymous on here? Will I find out? Anyway, I think small groups really are the heart of "church". I guess to verb it up, they're how you church with others... ha ha, anyway, I think we should get some more small groups going though. Did some of them get canceled after the whole "purpose driven life" thingy? Seems to me there used to be more days/times to fit myself in somewhere... Small groups are definitely where it's at!
