Thursday, December 11, 2008

Helping The Homeless

The Comox Valley has a growing and complex homelessness challenge.

As part of our God's Glove Initiative here at CPC we hope to provide for some basic needs to assist in helping those who are most vulnerable. Especially during these cold winter months.

We are exploring various ways our congregation can respond. Below is a letter I received from John Enns; director of the former Bridge Ministry. John has agreed to assist us in getting whatever we can gather to those in need. Brien Hauser, a member of our CPC family is also helping us with this initiative. If you would like to assist with sorting and delivery please let us know.

Choose From The List Below
If everyone picked up even a couple of things it would go along way.

Hi Dave; just to thank you and your church for your compassion to our friends. The main need in these wet days is for warm WOOL clothing; socks mainly but also shirts, toques, gloves, underwear, thermal underwear.

Waterproof jackets of good quality, because they sleep, work and live 24/7 in a good one.

Tarps- at least 9' by 12'.
Candles - very valuable- get fat ones that stand by themselves, one buck at dollar store.
Flashlights with good batteries but not too big.
Lighters, matches, soup in a tin you can heat (with candles) and eat.

It is also great to provide personal Christmas Cards written by real humans that say they really do care - because of Jesus. We love, because He first loved us. Love in Him always, John Enns.

Other Possible Items
  • Personal Hygiene Kit Eg. Ziplock Bag: Tooth paste, toothbrush, antibacterial soap, Wash Cloth, Towel
  • Grocery Gift Cards - Ask for card that restricts the purchase of tobacco items.
  • Work Boots - Shawn Wilson director of the Salvation Army Community Care has suggested to us that we help provide work boots where needed as this is often a condition for employment. We hope to use some of our Benevolent funds to help in this area.

Bring Items To CPC By Sunday December 21st
Leave In Front Lobby

Friday, November 14, 2008

Did You Hear About The Big Give?

Did you here about the Big Give? Last Sunday our CPC Food Bank shopping cart was filled with food. I asked, Dan Doerkson, one of our youth leaders, 'where did that come from?' He proceeded to tell me that one of our Outloud youth, Becca Davis on her own, organized what she called 'The Big Give'. I was very curious and so asked Becca to fill us in. Here's what she wrote:

"Hey PD It was great fun! I was laying awake one night when I started thinking about being in Mexico. (Spring Mission Trip) On our last day of building, we went shopping for the family we had built a home for. We bought food, school supplies, dishes, toys. I remembered how good it felt to give. Then a picture of the empty shopping cart in the foyer at the church popped into my head. I thought it would be a blast to do the "Mexico" style shopping again. So I invited people to join me Nov 1st at QF for some shopping. Shelia Unruh, Aurora Graham, Bekah Olsson, Julie Kervin and myself showed up at QF. Shawna couldn't make it but she did donate some money. Between us, we bought $124 dollars worth of stuff. Shelia said she enjoyed watching us figure out which was a better deal. The bargain of the day: 12 Pack of Chicken Noodle Soup for $0.99! That's right 99 Cents!! I think we are going to try and do this again before Christmas. I'm thinking Dec 20th. We might do it a little bit later so more people can come. We will see. I'll keep you posted on the date.

What a great story and inspiration for us all. Thanks gang for being such a blessing....
Pastor Dave

Proverbs 22:9 "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Strong People

Over the last few weeks I have watched some amazing people in our congregation withstand some major storms in their life. It has been a blessing to observe their faith as well as their courage, some in the face of great adversity and life's shaking. Their stories have been part of the inspiration that has led me in our current preaching series; entitled: "Not Shaken".

I could not help but think of the teachings of Jesus, when he compares those who build their lives on the 'Rock" (Jesus) to those who build their lives on the sand. In both cases there will be storms. The winds of adversity will blow and the rains will fall. In fact the Bible says, don't be surprised when you go through trials of many kinds. The difference being; the one with the right foundation will stand.

David the Psalmist often described the Lord as his rock, the one and only foundation of his life. As a result he penned these words:
  • Psalm 62: 1,2 "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
What a great life declaration, to be able to say; "I will never be shaken." David knew that no matter what life shaking he might experience, whether it was facing giants or dodging spears, he knew that what really mattered would prevail.

What about your life? How is your foundation? Has life's shaking revealed any fault lines running through your life. Any cracks in the foundation? Let me encourage you to shake proof your life. Build your life on the rock, Christ Jesus. Put your full confidence (meaning intense trust) in Him.

If you will, you say yourself: "He alone in my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Be Strong
Pastor Dave

Listen To Message One: "Not Shaken"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Ultimate Challenge

The article below was written by one of our Outloud Youth, Nelson Berry. Nelson shared his testimony in our morning service last Sunday. He wrote what he describes as 'The Ultimate Challenge' originally on his Facebook. What impressed me about Nelson was his willingness to take responsibility for his own faith and relationship with God. I see Nelson being a catalyst, someone who wants to make a difference. Even those who have been part of the church for a long time can benefit from his enthusiasm.

The article is a bit raw, written from a teen perspective but some good food for thought.

(Written by Nelson Berry)

So, i was rather frustrated today, about a lot of things. Number one reason came to be, the church, and its laziness and faithless drive. It seemed to be that most just stand and sing and sit and leave after the sermon and go home to their perfect lives where they never do anything for god. Then it got me even more frustrated to realize, i was the exact stereotype I'd just stated previously. So in a fit of frustration and rage, i came to an end with it :D. god showed me something deep in my heart. I need to let go and just drive with faith.


1) Take a good long, critical look into your life. I know this been said a thousand times, but grade yourself as though you are a stranger looking at yourself and see if you could immediately ****(that means right away, within seconds) tell that your life was devoted to god.

2) Now look at your life again, only this time look at all the crap you do. An example being: Hey i working at subway, take part at school, practice guitar, play computer, try to read the bible, want to do the musical...

3) Now take away anything and everything that is taking you away from god entirely. Example: Computer, Musical, other small things.

4) Re-organize your life, and instead of finding new things to fit into your extra time, fill it all with god stuff.

5) LIVE YOUR FAITH. If you have friends who make fun of you for loving Jesus, then stand up for him, shake it up and get made fun of more. Shake up your faith with god and let it grow, into unconditional love. This life time, this life time is short compared to eternity. Why should we care and hide our faith from people, if we're gonna be spending all eternity with god? Start loving god out loud, and in public, and totally be faith driven.

ADDED CHALLENGE: Fast from your computer. If you spend way to much time on it doing stupid facebook crap, fast from it. If you take too much time to watch TV fast from it. OR better yet even if you don't have these problems fast from them, I'm sure you'll find that you get closer to god.

Its time we started living out faith and being the church, the building we all go to on Sunday is just a building when there's no people in it. what makes it a church is US, the church community and body of Christ.

Good Luck with what ever god throws at ya :D

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Financial Nightmare? Living With Certainty

These last few weeks have been a nightmare in the financial markets around the world. Economists and world leaders are scrambling to stabilize and find solutions to the current melt down and erosion of certainty in the markets. The last time I checked my RRSP, if yours is like mine you have probably have seen a significant decline in your portfolio. For many there is growing concern over how as Christians we should respond to this crisis. Since I am not a financial adviser, I cannot comment on what you should do or not do as it relates to the markets. Here's what I can say from a common sense perspective: (For both good & bad times....)

1. Choose to live within your means. Much of the meltdown in the economy is the result of too many people living on credit they cannot afford.

2. Review your personal or family budget. Has anything changed that warrants an adjustment in your spending patterns? We have a tendency to spend at the same pace when income was strong, but when income declines; to not cut back until it’s too late. Make a list and ask yourself; is there anything we can live without? Do I really need this or do I want this? Can I afford this? Can we wait? Over the years Barb and I at various times have agreed to what we call 'a spending freeze', keeping us from making many impulsive or needless purchases.

The last thing I want to say in these uncertain economic times is: Choose to live by the principles of God’s economy as taught in His Word.

Jesus said in: Matthew 6:19 – 33, “Store up treasures in heaven, not treasures on earth.” He also said not to live in fear and to worry about…. “'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

One way we put God first is in the giving of our tithes and offerings. The Bible says that the tithe, the first fruits or tenth of our income is holy and belongs to the Lord. (Leviticus 27:30) It is my responsibility in both good times and bad to bring to the Lord what belongs to him. It is in these times of uncertainty that I want to be sure I am fully anchored in God’s plan of economy. Someone said to my wife the other day: “it was hard the last time they wrote out their tithe cheque” but choose to do it anyway as an act of faith.

The Bible says in (Malachi 3:10) “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”

I have often said, I want to live by faith and not by fear. When I tithe, I am declaring my faith. I am acknowledging that God is my provider and I am fully trusting in Him.

Together as a CPC family, let us continue to live with the certainty of God's presence in these uncertain times.

Living With Certainty

Pastor Dave

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Powel River New Church Building Dedication

This past Sunday Barb and I had the privilege of being in Powel River with Pastor Ken & Rhonda Lambden and the Evangel Pentecostal congregation as they dedicated their new church building to the Lord.

Rev. David Wells
, our PAOC General Superintendent was the guest speaker.

The congregation has worked very hard, with thousands of hours of volunteer labour. Together they are committed to using their new facility for community outreach and being a light for Christ in the PR region. When completed their grounds will include an outdoor amphitheatre, park area as well as a memorial garden.

The theme of the day was: "To God Be The Glory" great things He has done.

We pray for God's favour and blessing to be upon our sister congregation across the pond from us.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Take The Psalm 119 Challenge

This past Sunday we celebrated our love for the Bible. (God's Word) As part of this, a challenge was given to read and meditate on Psalm 119, the longest chapter of the Bible. What is so amazing about this chapter is not only it's length but the depth and love the Psalmist has for God's Word. Almost every verse in this Psalm has a reference to God's Word, His Laws, His Principles Etc

Here's the challenge: Over the next few days, read slowly Psalm 119 and look for ways the Word of God impacts your life. Write your responses in a journal or notebook. (Don't skip the writing.)

Here is a sample of what I am doing this week as I meditate on Psalm 119. (Taken from my journal.)

Complete The Sentence (Verse by Verse)

Your Word.....

Vs 1&2 Brings blessing into my life...
Vs 4 Is to be fully obeyed...
Vs 7,8 Is to be learned and obeyed....
Vs 9 Helps me to live a life of purity....

Your Word.....

Vs 11 Is to be hidden in my heart...
Vs 14 Causes me to rejoice....
Vs 15 Is to be mediated on...
Vs 16 Is my delight....
Vs 18 Is wonderful...

Your Word.....

Vs 20 Is the longing of my soul....
Vs 24 Counsels me...
Vs 25 Renews my life

I ADDED MORE SUNDAY AUGUST 3rd (From my Journal)
Vs 27 Is to be understsood...
Vs 28 Strengthens me when I am weary...
Vs 29 Is gracious to me...
Vs 30 Is the way of truth....
Vs 31 Is to be held onto...
Vs 32 Sets my heart free.....
Vs 33 Is to be followed all the days of my life...

Your Word.....
Vs 34 Gives me understanding....
Vs 35 Directs my life...
Vs 36 Keeps me from selfish gain....
Vs 37 Renews my life....
Vs 38 Is good....
Vs 40 Is what I long for...
Vs 41 Promises me your unfailing love....
Vs 42 Can be trusted when I am taunted....
Vs 44 Is to be obeyed for ever and ever....
Vs 45 Helps me to walk in freedom...

More Added From My Journal

Your Word....

Vs 46 Will be spoken before kings and those in authority.
Vs 47, 48 I love and meditate on
Vs 49 Gives me hope...
Vs 50 Keeps me steadfast in adversity.
Vs 54 Is the theme of my song..
Vs 55 I will keep..
Vs 56 Is to be practiced and obeyed..
Vs 59 Guides my steps,,
Vs 61 Will not be forgotten even in hard times.

Your Word....
Vs 65-66 Is my source of good judgment
Vs 67 Keeps my from going astray.
Vs 69,70 Is the delight of my heart.
Vs 71 Becomes clearer in my afflictions.
Vs 72 Is more precious to me than gold or silver.
Vs 74 I put my hope in.
Vs 78 I will meditate on.
Vs 81 Is my hope when I am fainting..
Vs 86 Is trustworthy.
Vs 87 Keeps me steadfast in conflict
Vs 88 Preserves my life..

More Added August 19th

Your Word

Vs 89 O Lord is eternal.
Vs 91 Endures to this day.
Vs 92 Is my delight even in afflication.
Vs 93 Renews my life.
Vs 95 I ponder on.
Vs 97 I love and mediate on.
Vs 98 Makes me wise.
Vs 100 Gives me understanding.
Vs 103 Is sweet like honey.
Vs 105 Is the light of my life.

Your Word
Vs 106 I will follow.
Vs 107 Renews me in times of suffering.
Vs 110 Protects me from the wicked.
Vs 111 Is my heritage.
Vs 111 Is the joy of my heart.
Vs 112 I am set on until the very end.
Vs 114 Is my refuge and shield.
Vs 116 Sustains me.
Vs 119,20 I love.

Your Word
Vs 125 I desire to understand.
Vs 126 Must not be broken.
Vs 127 I love more than pure gold.
Vs 129 Is wonderful to obey.
Vs 130 Is the light of my life.
Vs 131 Is light for my life
Vs 133 Directs my footsteps.
Vs 137 Is right and trustworthy.
Vs 140 Has been thoroughly tested..
Vs 143 Is my delight in trouble and distress.

Keep going yourself. I know you can do this. Just start, do about 20 - 30 verses a day and you will have a fresh love and passion for God's Word yourself.

Go for it. Take The Challenge.
Pastor Dave

"My Delight, My Longing, My Hope" Recent sermon from Psalm 119. As well, an inspiring testimony of an lady raised in an atheist family who came to faith in Christ through the ministry of a Gideon Bible.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Trip To City Hall

This week I made my annual trip to City Hall to pay my taxes. This year God spoke to my heart to go with a different attitude. Instead of grumbling and complaining I needed to understand what it means to be a responsible and contributing citizen of my community. I needed to have an attitude of gratitude. I was reminded how it takes all of us as citizens contributing that helps make the Comox Valley a great place to live. I thought of the impact if even 25% or 50% of our citizens decided not to pay their taxes this year. It would not take long before decline would set in. Eg. Roads, Protection, Policing, Parks & Recreation, Water, Garbage, Vision & Planning, Fire Department & More. All need our support. So this week when I paid my taxes I gave the lady taking my money a thankyou card to pass on to our City Officials and City Employees. I wanted to thank them for helping make the Comox Valley one of the greatest places on earth to live. Do I agree with every decision that City Hall makes? No. Would I do some things different? Yes. At the same time I need to remain a responsible and contributing member of my community.

God also used this picture to remind me I am also a Citizen of Heaven.(Philippians 3) Along with rights and privileges, spiritual citizenship also has responsibilities. Being a responsible, contributing member of a local church is one way that we as spiritual citizens are called to help advance God's kingdom here on earth. I was reminded that when I give my tithes (first tenth of my income) and offerings it is part of responsible spiritual citizenship. All of us are invited to do our part. God is using local churches all around the world to help advance his kingdom. My prayer is that as citizens of heaven and as members of Comox Pentecostal Church that we would commit our selves to giving generously. That we would commit ourselves where possible and in faith to even give beyond the tithe. The Bible says we are to "excel in the grace of giving." It is as we give responsibly and generously that the works and activities of God Kingdom are supported and advanced. Barb and I are recommitting ourselves to giving with an attitude of gratitude. We strongly believe in the ministries and future of Comox Pentecostal Church and want to help provide for it.

Pastor Dave

Friday, May 23, 2008

When I Think Of The Cross

Last Sunday we had a great Communion Service together as a church family. It was interactive as well as inspiring. People were asked: What "One Word" comes to mind when you think of what Jesus experienced for you on the cross? What "One Word" helps you to remember well?

People then came and wrote their word on the board and shared from their hearts what it meant to them.

Here are few of those words. Please be encouraged as you read them.
  • Suffering, Salvation, Love, Sacrifice, Relief, Rescued, Victory, Freedom, Life, Example
  • Hope, Life Offering, Forgiveness, Dignity, Reconciliation, Rule, Joy & Peace
  • Grace & Mercy
We were reminded that....."Grace is RECEIVING from God what we don't deserve, Mercy is NOT RECEIVING what we do deserve."

Other words that were shared later in converation: Ransomed, Reconciled, Atonement, Justified, Assurance, Servant, Righteousness, Glory, Surrendered, Wounded, Debt Cancelled, Blessing......

All of these words remind us that what Jesus did on the cross is truly "Amazing"

"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life."

John 3:16 (Amplified Bible)

If you would like to add a word or post a comment below please feel free.

Grateful For The Cross
Pastor Dave

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Super Moms

Happy Mothers Day - Does this relate to anyone?

Check Out Pastor Clair's Mothers Day Inspirational Talk
"Painting Between The Lines"


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ladies Spring Breakaway Day

In spite of poor weather and the fact some were not able to travel because of snow, approximately 80 ladies still enjoyed a great day together this past Saturday at Comox Pentecostal Church.

Below are a few pictures to prove it.

If any ladies who attended would like to post a comment below feel free.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dangerous Men

This past weekend close to 70 guys gathered in our CPC hall for our spring men's retreat. Besides a bottomless bowl of pretzels and other snacks and drinks, our men were challenged to "Follow Jesus, He really does know where He is going." We also learned that being in the center of God's will can be a dangerous place; you just never know where God will lead you or what he will ask you to do. Living in the center of God's will is where the action is. The alternative, living a life of mediocrity or in staying in our comfort zone has little to offer when it comes to living a life full of meaning and purpose. I was reminded of something Rick Warren has often said: "God is more interested in our character than he is in our comfort."

One of the most inspiring times for me was following the practical teaching on prayer, where men were being called to step it up and become men of prayer. It was awesome to see so many men responding and praying for with each other. Guys were given prayer cards and asked to write out things that concerned them. Eg. Family, Church, Community.... These cards were then posted around the room and men gathered in groups and prayed fervently. For some of these guys it was the first time they had done something like this. There was a strong sense of God's presence during this time.

It seemed that everyone was challenged in one way or another. One of our business men shared with me how for the first time he realized he needed to have a strategy in his business that reflected the purposes of God in his life as well as his business. Over all it was a great time.

Pastor Calvin and his team of guys did an excellent job of putting it all together. Way to go, you are all appreciated.

Living Dangerously,
Pastor Dave

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Better Together"

Below is a special contribution from Pastor Clair, our Children & Families pastor. If you get an opportunity to listen to her message from this past Sunday, "Between Sundays" it has strong implications for families, including parents and grandparents. Click Here To Listen
Pastor Dave

Some things are just simply "Better Together". Like peanut butter and jelly, cake and ice cream, milk and cookies!

Another thing that is just better together is church and families! I believe “It takes a church to raise a family”. Teaching our children faith issues (about God, the Bible, etc) is a parent’s responsibility according to Deuteronomy 6. Sometimes the task is overwhelming and we don’t know where to begin! Maybe you were not raised in a Christian home and are lost as to where to actually start. That is where partnering with a church family to provide skills and knowledge can be beneficial.

According to recent statistics Parents and Grandparents are the most significant religious influences in a child’s life. We need to make teachable moments to share about God, His ways and living life as a follower of Jesus each and every day. It is what happens between Sundays that provide opportunities for Christian Growth in our lives; parent’s as well as a child’s.

As we “Take It Home” and live our lives together, we will be bright lights on our streets, in our neighbourhoods, and ultimately in our communities! We may be the only “church” that many people see!

Here at Comox Pentecostal Church we are excited to Partner Together with Parents to make the truths of God and His Word come alive in the hearts of our children. We only have one hour a week to impact them, you have many, many more! We really are “Better Together”!

God Bless You,
Pastor Clair Farnell

PS. Feel free to leave a comment below.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Declaration Of Love

This past Sunday as part of our morning service we made a declaration of love to each other as a church family. It was a very moving time. If you would like a hard copy of this, please let us know.

My Declaration Of Love
As a committed follower of Jesus Christ and having personally experienced and benefited from the Amazing Love & Grace of God, including being forgiven of all my sins….....

I declare today my love for our church family, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength. (Philippians 4:13)

As part of this declaration of love:
I refuse to be outwitted by the devils schemes. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Instead I will walk in God’s love and extend the same grace to my brothers and sisters that Christ has extended to me. (John 13:34)

I understand that love covers a multitude of sins, and so I choose to forgive those who have wronged me, either intentionally or unintentionally. (1 Peter 4:8)

I will not repay evil for evil, or insult with insult, instead I will seek to bless others, even those who have hurt me. (1 Peter 3)

I will not let any unwholesome talk, including gossip come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs and for their benefit. (Ephesians 4:29)

I will always pray for and seek to protect the unity of our church, including celebrating our uniqueness and diversity. (Psalms 133:1)

I will do my part in helping restore relationships that have been broken. I will practice by my behavior what it means to be a loving and restorative community for those who have fallen.

I will let the peace of Christ rule in my heart by putting on love, since as members of one body I am called to peace. (Colossians 3:14,15)

“There are three things that will endure--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love. NLT 1 Corinthians 13:13

Monday, February 11, 2008

Marriage Maintenance

This past Sunday night, Barb and I sat through our third Marriage Course introduction and candlelight dinner with another group of great couples, some from CPC and some not. Pastor Calvin & Clair have always invited us to come to the introduction as part of a pastoral covering over those taking the course.

When we got home last night, I said to Barb; "We should take the course ourselves." Her reply was; "You know Dave I have always wanted to do something like this." She has patiently waited for me to finally say yes. So we are in and looking forward with anticipation to the things we are going to learn together over the next few Sunday evenings.

We were also told the course is like having a regular oil change on your car. Regular maintenance and tune ups being very important in order to have a healthy marriage. For us, we will call it our 32 k tune up. Would anyone else like to join us?

We were told there is still room for more couples. Session one begins this week so you can still get in on it. To register just go to our website
or call 339-4536.

Just a reminder that during the course there is no group conversations. You will be sitting at tables for two and the only dialog is between you and your spouse.

If you have already taken the course or something like it and would like to share an encouraging word you can comment below.

Thank you for covering us with your prayers.
Pastor Dave & Barb

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Watoto Blessings

A big thank you to everyone from our CPC family for being such a blessing to the Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda. Approximately 850 people attended the two concerts and gave an offering of $9708.00. A special thanks goes out to all our eight host families who looked after the choir. They were with us for three nights including Monday being a day of rest.

Listen On Line - CPC Watoto Concert

Praying For Clinton
We have been praying for Clinton, a member of the Watoto choir who had major surgery last week.

Following is an update on how he is doing. For those who did not know, Clinton is 10 years old. He had an ear infection that abscessed in his brain and so emergency surgery had to be done at BC Children's Hospital.

Hello Everyone,

Well I have good news regarding today! I was at the hospital this morning and was amazed at how well Clinton is doing! He was all smiles as he had just had a visit from two RCMP officers. For those of you who don't know, Clinton wants to be a policeman when he is older so it was a very special visit! The swelling is almost gone and he is off morphine now and just on Tylenol for the pain. I have attached some photos for you.

Thank you all for your continued prayers! I asked Clinton today what he would like me to say to everyone who is praying for him and he said to tell you he loves you and thank you for your prayers!

I will be in touch as soon as we know when Clinton will be released from the hospital!

For the children,

Stephanie Sohnchen

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Promises Promises Promises

As we begin this new year 2008 I have been thinking a lot about the promises of God. I can't help but be reminded of how God has demonstrated his faithfulness again and again in my life over the years. I know that 2008 will be no different.

Be encouraged by these words from the Psalmist:
Psalm 145:13 "The Lord is faithful to all of his promises and loving toward all he has made."

Still standing on the promises of God. What about you?

Pastor Dave