"Hey PD It was great fun! I was laying awake one night when I started thinking about being in Mexico. (Spring Mission Trip) On our last day of building, we went shopping for the family we had built a home for. We bought food, school supplies, dishes, toys. I remembered how good it felt to give. Then a picture of the empty shopping cart in the foyer at the church popped into my head. I thought it would be a blast to do the "Mexico" style shopping again. So I invited people to join me Nov 1st at QF for some shopping. Shelia Unruh, Aurora Graham, Bekah Olsson, Julie Kervin and myself showed up at QF. Shawna couldn't make it but she did donate some money. Between us, we bought $124 dollars worth of stuff. Shelia said she enjoyed watching us figure out which was a better deal. The bargain of the day: 12 Pack of Chicken Noodle Soup for $0.99! That's right 99 Cents!! I think we are going to try and do this again before Christmas. I'm thinking Dec 20th. We might do it a little bit later so more people can come. We will see. I'll keep you posted on the date.
What a great story and inspiration for us all. Thanks gang for being such a blessing....
Pastor Dave
Proverbs 22:9 "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor."