Thursday, July 31, 2008

Take The Psalm 119 Challenge

This past Sunday we celebrated our love for the Bible. (God's Word) As part of this, a challenge was given to read and meditate on Psalm 119, the longest chapter of the Bible. What is so amazing about this chapter is not only it's length but the depth and love the Psalmist has for God's Word. Almost every verse in this Psalm has a reference to God's Word, His Laws, His Principles Etc

Here's the challenge: Over the next few days, read slowly Psalm 119 and look for ways the Word of God impacts your life. Write your responses in a journal or notebook. (Don't skip the writing.)

Here is a sample of what I am doing this week as I meditate on Psalm 119. (Taken from my journal.)

Complete The Sentence (Verse by Verse)

Your Word.....

Vs 1&2 Brings blessing into my life...
Vs 4 Is to be fully obeyed...
Vs 7,8 Is to be learned and obeyed....
Vs 9 Helps me to live a life of purity....

Your Word.....

Vs 11 Is to be hidden in my heart...
Vs 14 Causes me to rejoice....
Vs 15 Is to be mediated on...
Vs 16 Is my delight....
Vs 18 Is wonderful...

Your Word.....

Vs 20 Is the longing of my soul....
Vs 24 Counsels me...
Vs 25 Renews my life

I ADDED MORE SUNDAY AUGUST 3rd (From my Journal)
Vs 27 Is to be understsood...
Vs 28 Strengthens me when I am weary...
Vs 29 Is gracious to me...
Vs 30 Is the way of truth....
Vs 31 Is to be held onto...
Vs 32 Sets my heart free.....
Vs 33 Is to be followed all the days of my life...

Your Word.....
Vs 34 Gives me understanding....
Vs 35 Directs my life...
Vs 36 Keeps me from selfish gain....
Vs 37 Renews my life....
Vs 38 Is good....
Vs 40 Is what I long for...
Vs 41 Promises me your unfailing love....
Vs 42 Can be trusted when I am taunted....
Vs 44 Is to be obeyed for ever and ever....
Vs 45 Helps me to walk in freedom...

More Added From My Journal

Your Word....

Vs 46 Will be spoken before kings and those in authority.
Vs 47, 48 I love and meditate on
Vs 49 Gives me hope...
Vs 50 Keeps me steadfast in adversity.
Vs 54 Is the theme of my song..
Vs 55 I will keep..
Vs 56 Is to be practiced and obeyed..
Vs 59 Guides my steps,,
Vs 61 Will not be forgotten even in hard times.

Your Word....
Vs 65-66 Is my source of good judgment
Vs 67 Keeps my from going astray.
Vs 69,70 Is the delight of my heart.
Vs 71 Becomes clearer in my afflictions.
Vs 72 Is more precious to me than gold or silver.
Vs 74 I put my hope in.
Vs 78 I will meditate on.
Vs 81 Is my hope when I am fainting..
Vs 86 Is trustworthy.
Vs 87 Keeps me steadfast in conflict
Vs 88 Preserves my life..

More Added August 19th

Your Word

Vs 89 O Lord is eternal.
Vs 91 Endures to this day.
Vs 92 Is my delight even in afflication.
Vs 93 Renews my life.
Vs 95 I ponder on.
Vs 97 I love and mediate on.
Vs 98 Makes me wise.
Vs 100 Gives me understanding.
Vs 103 Is sweet like honey.
Vs 105 Is the light of my life.

Your Word
Vs 106 I will follow.
Vs 107 Renews me in times of suffering.
Vs 110 Protects me from the wicked.
Vs 111 Is my heritage.
Vs 111 Is the joy of my heart.
Vs 112 I am set on until the very end.
Vs 114 Is my refuge and shield.
Vs 116 Sustains me.
Vs 119,20 I love.

Your Word
Vs 125 I desire to understand.
Vs 126 Must not be broken.
Vs 127 I love more than pure gold.
Vs 129 Is wonderful to obey.
Vs 130 Is the light of my life.
Vs 131 Is light for my life
Vs 133 Directs my footsteps.
Vs 137 Is right and trustworthy.
Vs 140 Has been thoroughly tested..
Vs 143 Is my delight in trouble and distress.

Keep going yourself. I know you can do this. Just start, do about 20 - 30 verses a day and you will have a fresh love and passion for God's Word yourself.

Go for it. Take The Challenge.
Pastor Dave

"My Delight, My Longing, My Hope" Recent sermon from Psalm 119. As well, an inspiring testimony of an lady raised in an atheist family who came to faith in Christ through the ministry of a Gideon Bible.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Trip To City Hall

This week I made my annual trip to City Hall to pay my taxes. This year God spoke to my heart to go with a different attitude. Instead of grumbling and complaining I needed to understand what it means to be a responsible and contributing citizen of my community. I needed to have an attitude of gratitude. I was reminded how it takes all of us as citizens contributing that helps make the Comox Valley a great place to live. I thought of the impact if even 25% or 50% of our citizens decided not to pay their taxes this year. It would not take long before decline would set in. Eg. Roads, Protection, Policing, Parks & Recreation, Water, Garbage, Vision & Planning, Fire Department & More. All need our support. So this week when I paid my taxes I gave the lady taking my money a thankyou card to pass on to our City Officials and City Employees. I wanted to thank them for helping make the Comox Valley one of the greatest places on earth to live. Do I agree with every decision that City Hall makes? No. Would I do some things different? Yes. At the same time I need to remain a responsible and contributing member of my community.

God also used this picture to remind me I am also a Citizen of Heaven.(Philippians 3) Along with rights and privileges, spiritual citizenship also has responsibilities. Being a responsible, contributing member of a local church is one way that we as spiritual citizens are called to help advance God's kingdom here on earth. I was reminded that when I give my tithes (first tenth of my income) and offerings it is part of responsible spiritual citizenship. All of us are invited to do our part. God is using local churches all around the world to help advance his kingdom. My prayer is that as citizens of heaven and as members of Comox Pentecostal Church that we would commit our selves to giving generously. That we would commit ourselves where possible and in faith to even give beyond the tithe. The Bible says we are to "excel in the grace of giving." It is as we give responsibly and generously that the works and activities of God Kingdom are supported and advanced. Barb and I are recommitting ourselves to giving with an attitude of gratitude. We strongly believe in the ministries and future of Comox Pentecostal Church and want to help provide for it.

Pastor Dave