Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Morning After

On this Morning After   .....the US Election. 

I want to encourage you and all our CPC family to pray for our leaders, starting right here at home in the Comox Valley. Our leaders whether they know it, believe it or not are in need of the generosity of your prayer. 

When you pray, you are making a difference, not only in their lives but also here in our community, our province, our nation and even nations. 

There are many great reasons for our prayers. 

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thankgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."  1 Timothy 2:1-4

Urging you on &
praying with you. 
Pastor Dave Postal

Friday, November 2, 2012

Prayer & Response for Hurricane Sandy's Victims

NOTE: This update from ERDO (Emergency & Relief arm of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) was received today and thought we would pass it along to you.

Blessings, Pastor Dave

Prayer & Response for Hurricane Sandy’s Victims
Friday November 2, 2012

Please pray for the millions of victims affected by Hurricane Sandy in various regions, including Canada and the United States. Pray for comfort for those mourning the loss of loved ones, those facing the loss or severe damage of their homes, and those recovering from the trauma of the experience. Pray that aid and rescue workers will be able to reach those most in need of food, water, shelter and medical assistance, and that clean-up efforts will go smoothly.
ERDO’s partner, the Assemblies of God humanitarian relief organization Convoy of Hope, is conducting disaster response efforts in New York and New Jersey as millions of people continue to be affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Convoy of Hope says, “We’ve already distributed more than 150 tons of relief supplies including food, water, blankets and cleaning supplies in hard hit communities in New York’s Long Beach and Staten Island as well as Bayonne and Jersey City in New Jersey.” More supplies are en route from Convoy’s Centre in Springfield, Missouri. Working with local assemblies and church groups, by the end of the weekend Convoy of Hope expects to have distributed an additional 80,000 lbs of supplies.

Any funds received at the PAOC International Office will be forwarded to our ministry partner, Convoy of Hope.  

With thanks,

The PAOC International Office
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

(If you would like to donate you can designate an offering at Comox Pentecostal Church and mark ERDO/SANDY on your envelope.  It will be forwarded.)



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back To School Prayer

Our Youth Pastor Johnny Sugrue posted this prayer for students this week.  Let's join in agreement as we pray for all our students and next generation along with those who lead them.    Pastor Dave

STUDENTS:   I'm praying that you all have an amazing first day at school tomorrow!

For those who are excited: I pray that you stay excited and motivated all year

For those who are... well... not: I pray that this year would surprise you and be the best year yet!

For those who are followers of Christ: I pray that you would be bold, courageous, loving, and kind! That you would carry His name with ...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Prayer For Canada

Invitation To Pray For Canada

God Keep Our Land Glorious & Free

Happy Canada Day - July 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Community Block Party

Attention families, parents, kids, teens, grandparents.....All ages. 

What do you think of when you hear the words carnival games, cool inflatables, free food, popcorn, snow cones and great prizes?    For many in the Comox Valley it means our Community Block Party is once again happening, Saturday June 9th, 1 - 4pm located at Comox Pentecostal Church (1919 Guthrie Rd, Comox)Always a popular community celebration, generous volunteers are preparing and excited to welcome you to this free event.  Up to a 1000 people have attended in the past.

Some attractions this year include a 25’ Inflatable Bungee Run, Bouncy Castles, Carnival Games, Wacky Tricycles, Face Painting, Cup Cake Decorating, & much more.    We are excited to have a number of great community groups on site partnering with us again this year. Some include the Comox Fire Department, 4R’s Education, Highland Dancers, Car Seat Safety Techs, Boomers Legacy Riders, Comox Valley Christian School, RCMP Dare, Awana Canada (Grand Prix Race Track) & others. 
You can even get your photo with Fluffy the Ram.

Come stop by with your family for treats including free hotdogs, drinks and popcorn.  As well the Pregnancy Care Center will be onsite and giving away cotton candy.  For adults, a special coffee lounge will be set up for you to relax and just enjoy the atmosphere.

Over the years, this community party has had the generous support of many Comox Valley businesses and once again they are providing some great door prizes.  All you have to do is come by, put your name in for one of the many free draws. 

Please accept this as your invitation. Remember everything is free; consider it a gift of love to our community. Simply help us get the word out by inviting your friends, neighbours and coming with your family. 
Use whatever means you can to invite.  Eg. Facebook, Twitter, Text, Moorse Code

If you have any questions you can call 250.339.4536 or go to the church’s website at

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Worship Declaration & Prayer   By Bonnie Kirk
Note:  Bonnie is one of our CPC young adults, wrote and
shared this in a recent Sunday morning service.

Jesus, we're learning a lifestyle of worship
Thank you for this relationship
Where you show us what you are like
And we get to fall in love with you
Over and over
I pray that our personal times with you
Will deepen our fellowship here
That our gatherings will bring down Heaven
Whether we feel you or not
We believe that you are why we live
We pray to be made whole
So that we can experience you more
Help us to tune into you
You are the best communicator
Help us listen
Without being afraid
Of what you might ask
Help us loosen our grip on our lives
And trust that you won't leave us lacking

You know how you put us together
All the fire, all the power in us
We worship you with our thoughts
And with the energy of our lives

We worship you with our choices Lord
Obedience means moving forward

The Word of your Spirit
Is more powerful than anything else
Help us to know this well
And live like we know it

Your will is love
Your way is perfect
You are entirely good
There is no exciting, wild and creative tendency in us
That is apart from our God
We want to know our incredible Jesus

We want to bless you
You created motion and momentum.
You understand why your church is restless at times
Thank you for the dreams you dream with us
You are the beautiful genius, Holy Spirit

You have a strategy
Your Spirit is whispering it to us
This Valley is yours
Made to contain the worship of Heaven
Fill us with hope
Help us move past our own lives
So that we can join together in the vision

You created motion and momentum.
You understand why your church is restless at times
Thank you for the dreams you dream with us
You are the beautiful genius, Holy Spirit

You have a strategy
Your Spirit is whispering it to us
This Valley is yours
Made to contain the worship of Heaven
Fill us with hope
Help us move past our own lives
So that we can join together in the vision

You long for your glory
To be expressed through us
You are steadfast
You have all authority over our region

Thank you for your faithfulness to us
And your patience as we grow
If we are looking at you
We are not going to fall

When we suffer
You invite us close
You make our hearts bigger
So that we can hold more of your presence
You teach us that leaning on you
Is abundant life

Thank you for being our comforter
Jesus, prince of peace
You quiet us with your love

Free us from old thinking
That steals the fun
From running after you
Renew our minds

We want to be in touch with what you are doing
Right now
You are what we look forward to most
You are our life
And we want to discover you all of our days

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Heart of Radical Generosity

Generosity is who we really are. 

This becomes increasingly clear when we understand that at the very heart and core of being a Christian is generosity.  When we understand the transforming power of love and a generous God at work in our lives we cant help but begin to respond to the divine nature, our new DNA and heart God has placed with in us.

The VERY NATURE of God is love and generosity.

Over the last few weeks I have been inspired by one of the greatest examples of generosity found in the Bible. It's the story of the Macedonian church responding to a need for help that another church was experiencing.  (The Jerusalem church was experiencing a famine) 

What's interesting is the fact the Macedonian church were experiencing their own need and struggles and could very easily have just said: 'No!'  'We Can't!' 'We have our own problems!'       ...........which too is often our default human response. 

Instead their first response was: 'We want to help!'  Flowing out of their new DNA, they begged for the opportunity to help with this need.  They wanted to be involved. They wanted the priviledge of sharing.  (Imagine if this attitude really caught on in our lives and in our churches....)  
  • 2 Corinthians 8  1 And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, 4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. 5 And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.
Following are a couple of observations, key attributes we find embedded in the heart
of radical generosity.

My Generous Grandson Jacob bringing
 Flowers and a Big Leaf to his Nana
1.   Grace of God

We see this in Vs 1.   When we think of the Grace of God we cant help but remember how we are recipients of undeserved favour, the goodness of God, unconditional love, his mercy and forgiveness.  It's almost overwhelming to think about it. 

It's the personal experience of God's grace and new DNA with in us that moves us I believe to greater generosity. 

Matthew 10:8  'Freely you have received, freely give.'

2.  Overflowing Joy

Vs 2 'Their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.' 

The reality is, the God of hope had filled the Macedonian believers with overflowing joy. 
Poverty may have been their current circumstance but it was not their DNA.  The Macedonian church refused to let their difficult circumstances determine their mindset or their future actions.  They were not going to be slaves to a spirit of poverty.  INSTEAD......they choose to give out of who they really were, not just what they had. 

The good news is generosity helps break the spirit of poverty.  As Christians our new God nature, DNA is rooted in an abundance of God's Grace and Overflowing Joy rising up with in us in rich generosity.  We are being ruled by a different kingdom, the Kingdom of God that has more than enough being released through your life and mine.

Let us commit ourselves to being who we really are; radically generous.  Practice paying attention, looking for opportunties each and every day where you can abound in grace, overflow with joy and radically give. 

Give out of who you are, not just what you have.
  • 2 Corinthians 9:7,8  For God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'
Be Radical
Pastor Dave Postal

Another Encouraging Resource:  Give Every Day