Friday, October 21, 2011

"Guaranteed" Thoughts From Joel

Allow me to pass along some email thoughts from Joel Sedan, one of our CPC worship leaders.  Joel was reflecting on last Sunday's message from 2 Corinthians 1:19-22 where the Apostle Paul talks about God's decisve YES to us and the GUARANTEE we have been given as followers of Jesus, both in this earthly life and one to come. (Click on the scripture link.)

It's always great to be able to share encouraging words from others.....So enjoy Joel's reflections.   (Joel gave me permission to pass this along to you.)   


Hey Dave.  What you said at the end of the message yesterday about The Holy Spirit as a deposit started me thinking.  So I figured I would jot down some thoughts as to what this means practically in our lives.

The word “guarantee” here can be translated as “deposit” (NIV) or “down payment”.  Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s Work in our lives is just a deposit of what is to come, that is, what is waiting for us in the fulfilled kingdom of God at the end of all things.  Since a down payment is usually only a small portion of the full price we can assume the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is just the tip of the iceberg in comparison to that which is to come.......And that is really incredible when you consider the AMAZING works He does in us, through us and around us in this life. 

So what does this Guarantee mean practically for us when we look at the Holy Spirit’s involvement in our lives here on earth?
  • Means that when the Holy Spirit works in us to Sanctify us and Regenerate our hearts from having old sinful desires to having new holy desires.....It is a taste of the total regeneration in store for us when we are glorified.  .....On earth, though we still sin and have sinful desires, we need not get discouraged because our sanctification and regeneration will be made complete in the end.
  • Means that when God gives special gifts of Supernatural knowledge to individuals in this life......It is just a taste of the complete knowledge we will have when we see him face to face.
  • Means that when the Holy Spirit works healing in us......It is just a taste of the TOTAL healing that is in store for us at the end where we will receive glorified bodies that will never get sick and will never die.  That means that when all are not healed it is because the Holy Spirits healing work on the earth in this life is just a taste of what he will do completely for all who belong to him in the end.
  • Means that when we experience the real, powerful presence of God and when our hearts are stirred in us to worship him it is just a taste of an eternity spent face to face in close relationship with God Almighty as children and friends, continually in the fullness of His presence worshipping at his throne.
Thank you Joel - While we are encouraged by the 'guaratneeed' hope of what is to come; it is with great joy and excitement we get to live today under the out flow of God's Open Heaven.  As God's children we are benificeraies of His Yes, including His daily benifits and blessings.  As Christ's ambassadors, empowered by the Holy Spirit we have the awesome priveledge of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.  (Guarantee Included)

What joy & and fun.
Pastor Dave