Good Morning CPC Family In case you did not hear the news we wanted you to know and honour you our CPC family by sharing an announcement that Pastor Mike & Laura Bidell made yesterday (June 12th) in our morning service. But first of all......let me put it into the context of a Word from the Lord I shared yesterday as well. Yesterday being Pentecost Sunday, we were reminded of the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit and birth of the New Testament Church. (Acts 1 & 2) Pentecost - A Few Takeaways - Marks the birth of the Church. Happy Birthday everyone. - Marks the beginning and celebration of a new season of harvest, a harvest of souls. - Marks the continuation of the Mission of God, now through His Church extending to all the world. 'The Church does not so much have a Mission as the Mission has a Church' The Holy Spirit was given to us for the purpose of empowering us, equipping us and helping us expand the church into all the world. (Acts 1:8) As a result a healthy church will always have in it's DNA the need to Go into all the world which will ultimately result in churches sending, often their very best. Someone once said: Don't judge a church by it's seating capacity, but rather by it's sending capacity. Here at CPC we are pesently in a season of sending. We are thankful to God for the opportunity of partnering together with the greatest mission of all, the Mission of God. Be encouraged everyone. Jesus is building His Church. We are filled with both joy and hope as we begin a new season together, both for our CPC family as well for Pastor Mike & Laura as they begin their new journey. God is good. The Mission Continues Pastor Dave |
Hi Friends! Just wanted to take this opportunity to share a brief update with you. Today, Laura and I shared with our congregation here in Comox our sense of call to missions. We are preparing to plant a church in Victoria, BC! We really began to hear Jesus speaking to us about this almost exactly a year ago, however from the present vantage point we're beginning to see how God has been preparing us for this for many, many years. We are so thankful to Jesus for the journey so far (it's always exciting with Him, isn't it!?). A number of very clear confirmations began affirming what we felt we were hearing from the Lord. We started to realize we couldn't ignore what we were feeling stir within and needed to begin carefully taking steps forward in faith. We began to invite some key mentors and close family to be listening and praying with us - they have been so helpful, affirming and encouraging as we continue to advance in this. We're in an interesting place of mixed feelings right now. Obviously excited for what we're moving towards! However, as is the case in transitions, there is a move away. We've been in the Comox Valley for three years this summer. We just love this community, the people of this church and those we are privileged to work with. The thought of leaving would almost seem easier if we didn't love all these! I'm so thankful for Pastor Dave & Barb Postal. We first shared our hearts with them back in November and they have been carrying this in prayer with us since then. Not only are we thankful for them but also the CPC board and family! We know that when God is speaking and moving, it's because He has a plan. And if He has a plan, it is good! We know God has it in His heart to continue to bless, advance and increase His work at CPC. As you may know, God has been moving in so many special and powerful ways on the Island, especially in this last year. We were in a service last night were literally dozens of people were healed! God's kingdom is increasing and advancing! What a great time and region to be planting a new work in! In the future more information will be made available in regards to the detail of the church plant in Victoria. The timeline isn't exactly determined yet, though we do see things continuing to progress in these next few months. The picture will become clearer with each step forward. We do know the call is to plant the gospel and see a church grow. Victoria is full of people of all kinds of backgrounds and stories; but at the end of the day, they're people, and people need God. We believe the power of the gospel is real and is for people in everyday life. And we believe in seeing a church planted that is marked by: Worship, Mission, the Supernatural & Generosity. Stay tuned for more details as the story unfolds! If you love Jesus, people, and Victoria and are want to know more about what this or even explore the possibility of joining us in this mission, send us a facebook message or email at . For Christ and His Kingdom! Mike & Laura Bidell Missionary Church Planters Victoria, British Columbia |