Let me tell you about the one that got away. I was fishing in the Puntledge River with my son and landed my first ever prize Coho salmon. I was pretty excited about the whole thing. Did what every fisherman does, knocked it on the head, gutted and cleaned the fish right on the side of the river. It was what happened next that I am almost embarrased to tell you. I layed the fish beside another fish we had caught earlier and with only a few minutes left before we had to head home, went back to fishing. A guy who had observed the whole thing wandered over to where we were, wanting to see the fish. My son said the fish was lying over by the rock next to another fish. The guy said...."There is only one fish." When we walked over to have a look, my heart sank with shock and disbelief. I couldn't believe it. What happened, even though we thought the fish was dead, there was still enough life in it's nervous system that caused it to flip a few times and with enough momentum it slid down the bank and back into the river. I can't tell you how terribly disappointed I was.
I thought there has to be a lesson in all of this. Well I came up with a few. One is just how easy it is for our old sinful nature to rise up within us from time to time. Just when we think we have died to sin and temptation is under control we find ourselves falling back into old habits and ways of thinking we thought we had left behind. It's like there is an attraction to get back into that old river again. How many of you can relate?
I am reminded of the words of Paul when he said: 'I die daily.' 1 Corinthians 15:31
Paul himself described his struggle with the sinful nature in Romans 7. .......But he also understood the grace of God at work in his life. He knew that his only hope was to continue to die daily, to crucify the old nature and allow the power of Christ to live and reign in his life. We can draw strength from his words when he said......Vs 24,25...... 'What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!' .......Who also gives us the victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57
I was also reminded how I need to help keep others from falling. The harvest needs to be protected.
I will be more careful next time I catch that Coho.
Happy Fishing