As we come to the end of another school year, and with summer finally here (I think, I hope), I have found myself thinking alot this week about all the people here at CPC who willingly and faithfully serve the Lord in our various ministries.

The following are a few examples of those we are appreciating today:
* Children's Ministry / Kids Church & Nursery workers
* Ushers & Greeters / Communion Team
* Worship Leaders & Musicians / Sound & Projection People
* Caretaking Team / Grounds Care People / Maintenance People
* Landscape / New Sign Design Team
* Offering Counting Team / Debit Hosts
* Missions Committee / Foreign Aid Packing Team
* Youth Ministry / Leaders & Helpers
* Offering Counting Team / Debit Hosts
* Missions Committee / Foreign Aid Packing Team
* Youth Ministry / Leaders & Helpers
* Vibe Pre-Teen Parents & Leaders
* Life Group / Small Group Leaders & Hosts
* Moms & Tots Leaders / Child Care Providers
* Coffee Coordinators / Hospitality People
* Food Preparation & Kitchen Crews
* CPC Food Bank Coordinators
* Young Adult Volunteers / Alpha Team
* Congregational Care, Visitation & Compassion People
* Website Volunteers / CPC Board / Prayer Teams
* Gap Fillers - Everyone else who just pitch in where needed, often on short notice.
You are all truly an AMAZING group of people we are so grateful for. With out you we could never do the things we do.
I like the way the Apostle Paul expressed his thanks for the Thessalonian church. We as pastors and leaders here at CPC feel the same way about you.
"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 1:2,3)
While summer is upon us, the needs and ministry continues. Let us believe God for a fruitful and blessed summer together. As Pastor Mike Bidell has often said: "It's fun serving and making merry together."
We love you and appreciate you.
Pastor Dave, Pastor Mike B, Pastor Mike P, Pastor Jabin
* Life Group / Small Group Leaders & Hosts
* Moms & Tots Leaders / Child Care Providers
* Coffee Coordinators / Hospitality People
* Food Preparation & Kitchen Crews
* CPC Food Bank Coordinators
* Young Adult Volunteers / Alpha Team
* Congregational Care, Visitation & Compassion People
* Website Volunteers / CPC Board / Prayer Teams
* Gap Fillers - Everyone else who just pitch in where needed, often on short notice.
You are all truly an AMAZING group of people we are so grateful for. With out you we could never do the things we do.
I like the way the Apostle Paul expressed his thanks for the Thessalonian church. We as pastors and leaders here at CPC feel the same way about you.
"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 1:2,3)
While summer is upon us, the needs and ministry continues. Let us believe God for a fruitful and blessed summer together. As Pastor Mike Bidell has often said: "It's fun serving and making merry together."
We love you and appreciate you.
Pastor Dave, Pastor Mike B, Pastor Mike P, Pastor Jabin