This past week our church was invited to participate in a community wide prayer initiative.
Starting Sunday May 9th - Sunday May 16th the call is going out for people to pray. The plan is to have people praying around the clock for seven days. A neutral site has been provided: 1736 England Ave (Behind Petro Canada - Courtenay) It will be set up with a warm, welcoming and prayerful atmosphere. You are invited.
Starting Sunday May 9th - Sunday May 16th the call is going out for people to pray. The plan is to have people praying around the clock for seven days. A neutral site has been provided: 1736 England Ave (Behind Petro Canada - Courtenay) It will be set up with a warm, welcoming and prayerful atmosphere. You are invited.
This Sunday at CPC there will be a sign up sheet in our foyer where you can choose a time period to go and pray. In addition you can go to this website and get more information as well sign up online. http://www.24-7comoxvalley.com/?p=16
The goal is to get people in the Comox Valley praying.....to see every one hour time slot filled during the seven day period. To imagine what God can do in our community as people pray.....
24-7 Prayer is happening around the world and it is exciting to be a part of it.
24-7 Prayer is first of all an invitation to pray.
- Out of this prayer comes community.
- Out of community and prayer will flow justice and mission.
For more information on this international prayer movement: http://www.24-7prayer.com/