What a a joy it was last night to have eleven people in our home for our lastest 'Exploring CPC Membership Class'. It was great to hear each other's stories and the genuine desire people have to be in relationship with each other. I am thankful for God's family.
The Bible says in Ephesians 2.19 'You are a member of God's very own family, and you belong in God's household with every other Christian.'
When a child is born, he or she is placed in a family where they can be cared for, nurtured, instructed and prepared, for the rest of their life. Likewise, I am thankful for all those in my church family who have patiently cared for me and invested in my life.
Church Membership is one way we can be intentional about our commitment to one another.
It's been said: 'You become a Christian by committing your life to Christ. You become a Church Member by committing your life to other Christians.'
Thankful for our CPC family.
Pastor Dave