The Comox Valley has a growing and complex homelessness challenge.
As part of our God's Glove Initiative here at CPC we hope to provide for some basic needs to assist in helping those who are most vulnerable. Especially during these cold winter months.
We are exploring various ways our congregation can respond. Below is a letter I received from John Enns; director of the former Bridge Ministry. John has agreed to assist us in getting whatever we can gather to those in need. Brien Hauser, a member of our CPC family is also helping us with this initiative. If you would like to assist with sorting and delivery please let us know. dpostal@cpclife.com
Choose From The List Below
If everyone picked up even a couple of things it would go along way.
If everyone picked up even a couple of things it would go along way.
Hi Dave; just to thank you and your church for your compassion to our friends. The main need in these wet days is for warm WOOL clothing; socks mainly but also shirts, toques, gloves, underwear, thermal underwear.
Waterproof jackets of good quality, because they sleep, work and live 24/7 in a good one.
Tarps- at least 9' by 12'.
Candles - very valuable- get fat ones that stand by themselves, one buck at dollar store.
Flashlights with good batteries but not too big.
Lighters, matches, soup in a tin you can heat (with candles) and eat.
It is also great to provide personal Christmas Cards written by real humans that say they really do care - because of Jesus. We love, because He first loved us. Love in Him always, John Enns.
Other Possible Items
- Personal Hygiene Kit Eg. Ziplock Bag: Tooth paste, toothbrush, antibacterial soap, Wash Cloth, Towel
- Grocery Gift Cards - Ask for card that restricts the purchase of tobacco items.
- Work Boots - Shawn Wilson director of the Salvation Army Community Care has suggested to us that we help provide work boots where needed as this is often a condition for employment. We hope to use some of our Benevolent funds to help in this area.
Bring Items To CPC By Sunday December 21st
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